In This Issue
March Update
Have you discovered Pinterest? Pinterest is a yet another new Social Media phenomenon. This month we have been building our Pinterest site and have been amazed at the response, with some of our 'Pins' being re-pinned by people all over the world! Check out our site here.
In particular, check out our Pinterest 'board' dedicated to the amazing spectacle of the Italian Flower Festivals known as 'Infiorata' that is the subject of this month's story from Diana Armstrong. Most of the photos in this Pinterest board are from a village not far from Diana's village. We were there in 2007 and just missed seeing this amazing spectacle. You have to be quick, as it only lasts a few hours! Check out this video to see the incredible spectacle of the Infiorata at Spello in Umbria.
Wellington Festival
The Wellington Italian Festival is on this month and we will be there for the first time ever! If you live in Wellington, we would love to see you on the 24th March at St Patrick's College, 581 Evans Bay Parade, Kilbernie, from 11am to 4pm. There is a small entry fee of $2 per adult to help cover the costs of this event that is run by Club Garibaldi. Come and say "Buongiorno!". It would be lovely to meet some of our Wellington customers in person.
New Products coming!
We have orders from Italy that we are expecting in the next couple of months with new inlaid wooden chess sets, miniature pewter warriors, wooden trays from Florence and masks and Murano Glass jewellery from Venice. We will keep you up to date when they arrive on Facebook and keep checking our 'New Arrivals' tab on the website.
People Changes
This month there are more changes in the Dream of Italy team. Hayley leaves us after being with us for over three years and Sam who has been our sales person in the shop on Sundays for over a year is also moving on to new things.
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Click on the pictures above to see more details and to order your Venetian mask at an amazingly low price!
This month's story is from Diana Armstrong, who after a couple of lovely holidays in Italy, ended up purchasing and restoring a property there. She has written a book about the ensuing adventure and after she found herself integrating into the small Umbrian town of Lubriano, she discovered she had responsibilities to participate in a lovely Festival of Floral Art on the road outside her property. Here is her story:
Spring is everywhere showing its colors, and in the mid-morning sun, the hilltop town of Civita di Bagnoregio beams at me from the valley, so close it’s almost in front of my face. The church bell chimes the hour over there in Civita, always thirty seconds ahead of our Lubriano church.
Tomorrow is Sunday and the Feast of Our Lady of Lubriano, known among people in the area as La Infiorata. For the past 250 years, on the sixth Sunday after Easter, the residents of Lubriano have been celebrating this day by covering their one and only street with flower petals. On this Sunday every year the townfolk transform the charcoal - coloured granite of the street into a dizzying artist’s palette. Spring blossoms will decorate the paving for half a mile from the eleventh-century Church of San Giovanni Battista to the seventeenth-century Chapel of Santa Maria del Poggio. From year to year the priest and the people will come and go, but constancy will reign in La Infiorata. The colours of spring, like a river, flow through time.
We have never been here in May before, so we aren’t quite sure what to expect. Signora Gaspari explains the rules. Tomorrow our two families will be responsible for entirely covering our sixty feet of road frontage with flower petals. Oh, yes, and they must all be freshly picked! How on earth are we going to discharge our responsibilities???
Read more!
I n Italy, risotto tends to be a much more simple affair than the sophisticated recipes you find in restaurants elsewhere. Try this Pancetta, Sage & Butternut Risotto recipe that is delicious and easy to cook.
Here's a recipe for you to try ...
We would love to hear back from you and get your thoughts on our products or services! Any ideas on how we could improve our service to you our customers would be welcomed too!
Please don't forget to forward this email on to someone you know who would be interested! We are continuing to develop this newsletter to make it informative, interesting and a way to stay connected with Italy and all things Italian. Just send us an enquiry to request to be put on our database to receive future newsletters.
We have had some fantastic stories in previous issues of interesting things that people are doing in Italy. If you have a story, or know someone who does, please let us know and we would love to feature them in this newsletter which goes out to over 2,500 people! Next month we will run a feature about learning the Italian language with real life video! Keep an eye out!
